GBS Doctrine of Holiness Reflection Paper

Spring, 2014

Melissa L. Morgan

I feel more at home with my Bible, through the process of developing notes for this class. Before the course, I was already convinced that God wants all Christians to be entirely sanctified, but I didn't fully understand the biblical basis for this. I did believe in entire sanctification, because I read the Bible and received some biblical teaching. However, this course has enabled me to better explain that there is a definite second work of grace. Also, my heart was entirely cleansed from inbred sin and I was filled with the Holy Spirit. I was also given a greater love for God and concern for others through the Holy Spirit.

I feel I am better informed, and can use both my understanding and my notes to explain about biblical truths. For example, 1 Thess. 5:23 says that ”...God of peace sanctify you completely...” Also Eph. 5:18 says to be filled with Spirit by surrendering full control. God promises He will entirely sanctify a Christian when he presents himself to God as living sacrifice, surrenders himself fully to the control of the Holy Spirit, and in faith receives what God promises.

I have learned more about how people from various backgrounds perceive the truths of the gospel. It was significant for me to learn that the motivation for “perfecting” holiness is the fear of Lord. The world expects a Christian to love "everything"--but we are to hate evil (Prov. 8:13).Christian love is characterized by abhorring evil, and clinging to good (Rom. 12:9). Practical ideas in the course have been helpful to me, such as how to deal with a weaker brother in love. It is also essential for Christians to recognize their identity in Christ—washed, sanctified and justified, a “...temple of the living God” (2 Cor. 6:16) Through the Holy spirit, I plan to continue growing in love for Christ and others, and be an example of a more beautiful Temple through my life and words, at home, in teaching, and in writing assignments.

I have learned Scriptural basis to help dissipate the confusion about the concept of holiness. For instance, holiness is often mocked and misunderstood by the world, as well as in the church. However, holiness is not a “holier than thou” attitude. It is separation unto God. The fruit of holiness is Christlikeness. Even sinners have a hard time arguing against the goal of being like Christ, as Jesus is at least recognized by most in the world as “a good teacher.” However, being “good” is not enough. There is no righteousness apart from God—even all our works are filthiness. We must be connected to the “source” of holiness—God, through Christ. Just so, that light bulb in the box won't light up, until it is connected to the light socket.

I feel more confident in counseling with others, and I have greater insight. I also loved the examples and stories in both the lectures and the CD. I especially enjoyed Dr. Brown's story about his brother and the deficiency from the powdered milk. It was a great illustration of how it takes time to grow in Christ. My family listened to some of the CD lessons with me, and my husband said he found it enlightening. I enjoyed discussing some of the ideas with him, and am so thankful to have a husband who loves the Lord! However, we all still struggle with misunderstanding and gaps in our understanding of Scripture. This course helped me to better understand that there is a big difference between “purity” and “maturity.”A Christian's predisposition to self‐centeredness can be cleansed in a moment, but the mental and emotional consequences of self‐centeredness may take a long time to reprogram (like the effects of a lack of nutrients in powered milk). I hope to use information and Scripture to help encourage others to continue to grow in Christlikeness, and be an example by maintaining my life fully surrounded to Christ and growing in grace.

Part 3: Relevance to Institutional and Divisional Objectives. At GBSC we are committed to helping you become an educated Christian. GBSC defines an educated Christian as “a faithful servant of Jesus Christ whose knowledge, values, and skills center in loving God, loving others, and loving learning.”

I have received basic knowledge of the meaning of holiness and the primary passages that teach the need for entire sanctification. The course helped me to develop critical thinking skills by considering the basic problems of self-centeredness and the causes and effects involved. I have developed ten pages of extensive notes, and I have them available for use with my Bible. For instance, I wrote the following in my notes: “Christian’s basic problem: predisposition to self‐centeredness. Why does a predisposition to self‐centeredness remain in a Christian’s life: a predisposition to self‐centeredness is not a sin we have committed. A predisposition to self‐centeredness is an orientation of our entire heart and mind that must be cleansed. Psalms 51:5: our spiritual condition at moment of conception characterized by “iniquity” and “sin.” Key Old Testament verse why mankind goes astray like sheep: Isa. 53:6: “turned every one to his own way” more than God’s. Jer. 17:9: hearts are deceitful above all things, and incurably sick. God can heal incurably sick heart: Jer. 30:17: “I will restore you to health and I will heal you of your wounds.” Adam sinned, God ceased being unifying center of his life and self took the place of God--Adam became totally depraved. “Total depravity”= self‐centeredness.” I also learned how to think biblically about my positional possessions, which refer to the true of our union with Christ (Rom. 6:1‐10). Personally appropriated possessions are what happens when we put our positional possessions into actual play in our daily life (Rom. 6:11‐23).

There is so much depth in the course, it is is difficult to quantify, but I am convinced that the Ministerial Education objectives were fully met (although that doesn't mean at all that I am fully developed—I have to continue growing in the Lord). As an example, I learned God’s remedy and cure for inherited depravity (self‐centeredness) is to restore in mankind the image of God warped and distorted by the Fall (Col. 3:10). Restoration of the image of God in fallen mankind begins at the moment of the new birth.

It is essential to understand (and I didn't fully understand this before this course) that after a person is saved, a predisposition to self‐centeredness remains, with “double‐mindedness.” The Christian desires to obey and please God in everything, but senses a deep desire to please self. God cleanses the Christian’s heart of predisposition to self‐centeredness, when the Christian fully surrenders his life to God as a living, holy, sacrifice and experiences the filling of the Spirit. The Christian is sanctified wholly (1 Thess. 3:23‐24; 5:23‐24).

I also learned that “progressive sanctification” means the on‐going work of God in us through the Holy Spirit, in which we continue to be transformed into the likes of Jesus Christ. Sanctification continues in the Christian’s life until he goes to be with the Lord. “Entire” in the phrase, “entire sanctification,” doesn't mean that once a person is entirely sanctified there will be no more progress in sanctification--“every part of you,” spirit, soul, and body. This is very comforting to me.

I recognize that God extensively (not “intensively”) sanctifies, meaning nothing is excluded from God’s work of sanctification. Entirely sanctified means consciously, deliberately presenting oneself to God, as a second work of grace. Attitude and willful desires demonstrate whether or not someone is fully surrendered to God. “Willful desire,” means the desires a Christian consciously chooses to embrace. If a Christian rejects and resists desires he knows to be unbiblical, he has not chosen to embrace them. Yes, I have gained a much greater appreciation and knowledge of Scripture and theology, specifically as it pertains to holiness. I have also develped a greater sensitivity, moment by moment, to God's will in everything I say and do. With God's help, I plan to continue growing in love for Christ and others, throughout my life.